- Resources The National Center develops K-12 classroom resources to address agricultural literacy outcomes and educational standards.
- Research The National Center conducts research and provides tools for measuring agricultural literacy outcomes and program effectiveness.
- Certification The National Center provides a certification in agricultural literacy for K-12 educators looking to increase their agricultural literacy.
What is agricultural literacy?
Agricultural literacy means understanding and being able to communicate the source and value of agriculture as it affects our quality of life.
Agriculture is... Everything involved with growing plants and animals to be used for something else. Nearly everything we eat, wear, and use comes from a plant or an animal raised on a farm.Cindy Hall, Education Program Manager, Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation
By 2050... It is projected the world's population will reach nearly 10 billion people, requiring agriculture production to double. To meet the challenges of the future, it is imperative that youth and adults are informed consumers, advocates, and policy makers.Debra Spielmaker, National Center for Agricultural Literacy