About the National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix
The National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix is a collection of educational resources that are relevant, engaging, and designed to meet the educational requirements and agricultural literacy outcomes for K-12 educators. The National Center for Agricultural Literacy developed and maintains the content in the Matrix in partnership with the National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization and other groups.
Agriculture plays a fundamental role in our daily lives, providing food, clothing, energy, and shelter while influencing the economy, environment, and society. The Matrix equips educators with resources to contextualize these concepts within their teaching, helping students develop a deeper understanding of the processes that sustain modern life. By using agricultural topics as a framework for teaching core standards, educators can meet academic benchmarks while offering students a meaningful, real-world perspective.
Origins and Framework
The National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix was launched in 2014 with funding from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Matrix is built around the National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes (NALOs), which outline what students should know and be able to do at various grade levels to be agriculturally literate.
The Matrix was developed using curriculum mapping, a strategic process that organizes and aligns standards, objectives, lesson plans, companion resources, and assessments. This three-dimensional curriculum map provides educators with a clear pathway to guide students from foundational knowledge to deeper understanding, ensuring that learning objectives are met effectively.
Lesson Format
Lessons in the Matrix are built around the 5E Model, a research-based instructional framework designed to foster student-centered learning. The model includes five phases:
- Engage Determine what students already know and spark their interest in the topic.
- Explore: Facilitate hands-on activities and discussions where students investigate and expand their ideas.
- Explain: Guide students in synthesizing and clarifying their learning through structured discussions.
- Elaborate: Reinforce understanding with activities that deepen skills and knowledge.
- Evaluate: Assess student understanding through reflection and summative evaluations.
In Matrix lessons, the “Explore” and “Explain” phases are often combined for a seamless learning experience. Lessons in the Matrix also include details such as suggested grade levels, instructional time, necessary materials, background information, and companion resources to supplement learning.
How Matrix Resources Are Developed
The Matrix is the result of a collaborative effort among educators, agricultural literacy professionals, government organizations, and educational groups. Each lesson and companion resource undergoes a review process to ensure it is accurate, science-based, and aligned with educational standards. This collaborative approach ensures the Matrix remains a dynamic, high-quality resource for educators.
Alignment with Educational Standards
Lessons in the Curriculum Matrix are connected to a range of national education standards to support the integration of agricultural topics into existing curricula.
National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes (NALOs)
The National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes (NALOs) define what K-12 students should understand and be able to communicate about agriculture and how it affects our quality of life. Developed by the National Center for Agricultural Literacy (NCAL) with input from educators, industry experts, and other stakeholders, the NALOs serve as a guiding framework for integrating agricultural concepts into existing subjects. All lessons in the Curriculum Matrix align with at least one NALO.
National Content Area Standards
In addition to the NALOs, lessons in the Curriculum Matrix are associated with the following widely recognized national content standards:
- Career & Technical Education (CTE): Food Products and Processing Systems Career Pathway within the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Cluster.
- Science: Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
- Social Studies – Economics: Voluntary National Content Standards in Economics, developed by the Council for Economic Education (CEE).
- Social Studies – Geography: National Geography Standards, developed by the Geography Education Standards Project.
- Social Studies – History: National Standards for History, developed by the National Center for History in the Schools (NCHS).
- Health/Nutrition: National Health Education Standards (NHES).
State Content Area Standards
Many state agricultural programs provide access to the Matrix on their websites. On these state-specific sites, lessons may include additional information about how they align with that state’s education standards. This feature offers localized support for educators while maintaining the Matrix’s alignment with national benchmarks.
Common Core Standards
Lessons in the Curriculum Matrix may also be linked to Common Core Standards, which were developed by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). These include standards for English Language Arts (ELA) – covering language, reading, speaking and listening, and writing – as well as Mathematics.