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Showing 16 of 6 results

Right This Very Minute

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students read Right This Very Minute—a table-to-farm book about food production and farming—and diagram the path of production for a processed product, study a map to discover where different commodities are grown, and write a thank-you letter to farmers in their local community.

Follow That Food: Carrot Edition

  • Movie/Video

Discover how carrots travel from farm to table! Watch as this video follows carrots grown at Open Hands Farm in Northfields, Minnesota all the way to elementary schools in Minneapolis.

From the Field to the Farmers Market

  • Movie/Video

Travel with nine-year-old Mason as he shows what it's like to be a part of a farm family and bring produce to the Farmers Market! Mason and his family are part of the Hmong American Farmers Association (HAFA), and they have been selling at the farmers market for over 20 years. See how their produce is grown and sold at the farmers market.

How Does it Grow? Video Series

  • Movie/Video

This video series follows food from farm to fork. Learn more about potatoes, asparagus, mushrooms, cranberries, garlic, cauliflower, spinach, oranges and more. These videos are a great way to introduce students to food science and cooking, and to increase understanding of the sources of our food.

Pumpkin: How Does it Grow?

  • Movie/Video

You've been duped: that "pumpkin" puree in the can isn't pumpkin at all — at least not the kind you think! We bust the great American pumpkin myth and discover why we grow 500 million pounds of the stuff each year — without eating any of it.

The Journey of Milk

  • Movie/Video

Watch this 4-minute video clip to teach about the dairy farm. Students will learn about what dairy cows eat and how they are cared for to produce the milk we drink and the dairy products we consume.