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Growing Microgreens

  • Activity

Growing microgreens is a quick, easy, and tasty way to explore the seed germination and plant growth life cycle. There are MANY different kinds of microgreens—some taste mild and juicy, others pack a spicy punch! Try growing a variety of microgreens to observe and eat.

Shape, Form, and Function in the Garden

  • Activity

In this activity students will gather, observe, and dissect flowers before collecting flowers and other plant parts to create pressed plant art. Use this activity to integrate art and science concepts while encouraging students to explore and observe plants found in their everyday surroundings.

Aeroponic Garden Kit

  • Kit

Aeroponics' is a plant cultivation technique where plant roots are suspended in the air and misted with a nutrient and water solution. The Aeroponic Garden Kit provides everything except a 5-gallon bucket for students to create their own aeroponic garden. Order this kit online from

Garden Planner

  • Kit

This handy bulletin board planner will help you keep your garden on track all year long. The complete kit contains one full-size bulletin board, 17 crop strips to attach to the bulletin board, 17 corresponding crop cards for planning and classroom activities, and full instructions about how to use the bulletin board. Order this kit online from

Gardening in a Box

  • Kit

This kit is designed to support various forms of homeschool, virtual learning, and online classes by providing ready-to-use supplies to facilitate hands-on learning and discovery. The kit contains materials for one student to complete a variety of activities found in the following lessons: Soil Texture and Water Percolation (Activity 1); Desktop Greenhouses (Activity 1); Seeds, Miraculous Seeds (Activities 1 & 3); Flower Power (Activity 2); Plant Tops and Bottoms (Activity 2). Order this kit online from

Three Sisters Seed Packet

  • Kit

Native Americans relied heavily on corn, squash, and beans, the "three sisters," for their survival. This packet contains organic, heirloom seeds ready to plant in the garden to demonstrate early Native American farming techniques. Order these seeds online from

In The Three Sisters Garden

  • Teacher Reference

In this Common Roots Guidebook, Sister Corn, Sister Squash, and Sister Bean introduce children to gardening in two distinct year-long adventures that explore the ancient wisdoms of the land. Each is a unique journey through the four seasons, rich with earth-friendly gardening methods, history, hands-on activities, stories, and provocative ideas. The lessons incorporate social studies, literature, and science. Plants can be grown in the garden or classroom to supplement this unit. An easy resource to utilize when teaching early American traditions.

image of the Indoor Gardening Curriculum webpage

Indoor Gardening Curriculum

  • Website

A school garden is a powerful education tool to teach about many subjects including science, math, language arts, engineering, technology, and even stewardship. With any type of garden, indoors or outdoors, students have an opportunity to engage in agricultural practices on a small scale, learning about the web of interactions among the living and nonliving players that sustain life. The Indoor Gardening Curriculum is a compilation of lessons specifically focused on building and running simple hydroponic and aquaponic systems in the classroom, as well as growing in soil on vertical shelving. Each lesson has been designed to give teachers practical low-cost options to growing in their classrooms.