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Showing 112 of 36 results

Agriculture Pays

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students discover that agricultural careers are interconnected and that agriculture influences many parts of their daily lives.

Pumpkins on a flat bed trailer at a road side farm

Agritourism: Extreme Farm Makeover

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Through project-based learning, students will work in groups to design an agritourism experience that will increase profits for a family-owned farm and provide agricultural literacy opportunities for community members.

Career sign with two gaming controls

Career Gaming

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Through project-based learning, students will design games that will assist others with identifying a variety of agricultural careers, possible emerging agricultural careers, the education required for agricultural career options, and the types of salaries that can be expected in each career.

Game board for a career exploration game called Career Trek.

Career Trek: From Farm-to-Fork

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Explore the farm-to-fork process of food through the lens of careers. Students will make a career web to see the variety of careers and skill sets necessary to our food system. They will check their understanding by playing Career Trek—a board game that requires students to identify careers in agriculture and natural resources.

cheesemaker stretching mozzarella cheese

Cheesemaking: A Science, an Art, and a Craft

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Students make fresh mozzarella cheese and explore a career as an artisan cheesemaker as they discover the science, art, and craft involved in the development of specialty cheeses.

Plastic baskets full of ripe red strawberries

Cruisin' for a Bruisin' Food Packaging Specialist

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

In this lesson students will learn that product packaging is a balance between function, food safety, and economics by designing a protective package for shipping perishable fruit. Each package will be presented to the class for evaluation, and the best design will be shipped to test the product's durability.

mexican molletes on a plate

Culinary Concepts

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Through project-based learning, students will develop and manufacture a unique and nutritious food product that includes ingredients that have been sourced locally and can be served in retail outlets or the school cafeteria.

DNA helix

DNA: Expressions in Agriculture

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

This lesson centers around the activity of extracting DNA from a strawberry while highlighting careers in biotechnology and agriculture.

A smart phone with apps representing different career pathways in agriculture.

Discover Agriculture Careers: One Problem at a Time (Grades 9-12)

  • Lesson
  • Grades 9 – 12

Explore agricultural career pathways from a lens of problem solving to recognize the challenges that will need to be addressed in the next generation of careers. Students will also use a decision matrix to assess job characteristics and determine which career aligns best with their preferences and goals.

Granola pieces on wooden board, close up view

Energy Bar Exploration

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Through project-based learning, students will develop, market, and brand a healthy energy bar and packaging to be sold to a target audience.

Find Your Future Career (Grades 3-5)

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students discover the variety of agricultural careers available and consider their career paths in terms of economics, interests, and suitability to their personal talents and characteristics.