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The Full Guide to Being a Food Tourist

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One of the best ways to discover a new place is through their food, and this is why the popularity of food tourism is on the rise. In fact, 53% of people who travel for leisure describe themselves as food tourists. In this guide, readers will learn about the global impact and benefits of food tourism, discover tips for eco-friendly culinary vacations, explore the top 10 global dishes around the world, and find recommended resources for an enriched travel experience.

The Science of Cooking

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Visit this website for an archive of webcasts, labs, videos, and other teaching resources that connect cooking and science. Candy, bread, eggs, pickles, meat, and seasoning are highlighted.

The Sugar Association

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The scientific voice of the sugar industry, this website offers resources about real sugar from sugar beets and sugar cane with the goal of enhancing consumer understanding and confidence in the role that sugar plays in a nutritious, balanced, and enjoyable diet.

The USGS Water Science School

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This website offers information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where you can give opinions and test your water knowledge.

Tractor Timeline- A History of Tractors

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Use this interactive tractor timeline to learn about the history of tractors. Dive into the history of tractor development and see how the evolution of these farm implements has changed how we farm and made it possible to increase our crop yields.

Utah State University Bee Lab

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The website for the USDA Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory at Utah State University provides a glimpse into the world of bee research. This is a great resource to build background knowledge prior to teaching about bees. In addition to many technical articles, the site provides links to popular magazine and USDA Agricultural Research Service news articles on bees. Dig deeper to find pages on how to identify bumble bees of northern Utah and a guide to raising bumble bees at home.

Virtual Food Safety Labs

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Food safety and science come together with these virtual labs. Students can see and practice some of the laboratory techniques used by researchers and food scientists. Visit the website to see eight virtual labs including Testing for Corn Mold, Bacteria Sampling, Gram Staining, Using the Microscope, The pH Scale and Meter Calibration, Testing and Adjusting pH, Understanding Water Activity, and Controlling Water Activity in Food.

Virtual Labs: Understanding Water Activity

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What is water activity, and how does it affect food spoilage? In this virtual lab, students can explore how microbes and reactions inside food rely on water and calibrate a lab water activity meter. Students will become familiar with food science lab equipment and standard techniques for measuring water activity. The lab guides users through both theory and practice, preparing them for experiences in a real lab.

Web Soil Survey

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The Web Soil Survey provides soil data and information for your specific area to help cater your soil lesson to your own community. Visit the website link below for instructions, then click on "Start WSS" to find your soil data.