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Growing a Nation Era 1a: Seeds of Change

Students will engage with the Growing a Nation timeline to explore the significant historical and agricultural events and inventions from American history during the years 1600-1929. Students will recognize the importance of labor in agriculture, discover how the implementation of technology increased agricultural production, and explore the role wool played during this era.

9 – 12
Estimated Time
2 hours
October 29, 2024


Lesson Activities



Debra Spielmaker | National Center for Agricultural Literacy (NCAL)


Activity 2: In the Good Old Days, Adapted from Project Seasons, Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, Vermont

Growing a Nation was funded by USDA CSREES cooperative agreement #2004-38840-01819 and developed cooperatively by: USDA, Utah State University Extension, and LetterPress Software, Inc.


National Content Area Standards

  • Social Studies – History
    • History Era 4 Standard 2D (Grades 9-12): The rapid growth of 'the peculiar institution' after 1800 and the varied experiences of African Americans under slavery.
      • Objective 2: Explain how the cotton gin and the opening of new lands in the South and West led to the increased demand for slaves.
    • NCSS 2 (Grades 9-12): Time, Continuity, and Change
      • Objective 3: That knowledge of the past in influenced by the questions investigated, the sources used, and the perspective of the historian.
      • Objective 8: The importance of knowledge of the past to an understanding of the present and to informed decision-making about the future.
    • NCSS 8 (Grades 9-12): Science, Technology, and Society
      • Objective 2: Science and technology have had both positive and negative impacts upon individuals, societies, and the environment in the past and present.
      • Objective 4: Consequences of science and technology for individuals and societies.
      • Objective 7: Findings in science and advances in technology sometimes create ethical issues that test our standards and values.
      • Objective 11: That achievements in science and technology are increasing at a rapid pace and can have both planned and unanticipated consequences.
    • World History Across the Eras Standard 1 (Grades 9-12): Long-term changes and recurring patterns in world history.
      • Objective 3: Assess the usefulness of the concept that the revolutions of toolmaking, agriculture, and industrialization constituted the three most important turning points in human history.
    • World History Era 7 Standard 5A (Grades 9-12): Connections between major developments in science and technology and the growth of industrial economy and society.
      • Objective 3: Analyze how new machines, fertilizers, transport systems, commercialization, and other developments affected agricultural production in various parts of the world.