Background Agricultural Connections
Sheep are grazing animals. A male sheep is called a ram. A female sheep is called a ewe (pronounced “you”). A baby sheep is called a lamb. Lambs are born in the spring. Ewes often have twin lambs; occasionally, they will have triplets. If the mother cannot give her lambs enough milk, a shepherd may decide to raise the lamb on a bottle. These lambs are often called “bum lambs.” When sheep are bottle-fed, they become tame.
It is important to shear sheep before their lambs are born. It can be difficult for the new lambs to drink milk with a lot of wool in the way. Sheep shearing is a unique job. It is generally performed by a professional shearer. It takes a whole year for sheep to grow a heavy fleece. A sheep’s fleece usually weighs about eight pounds. When the sheep is sheared, the shearer tries to keep the fleece in one piece. The sheep is held in a special way so that neither the sheep nor the shearer get hurt. Giving the sheep a “hair cut” allows the sheep to be cooler in the summer months and keeps insects and other pests from living in the thick wool. After the sheep is sheared, the wool is washed, carded, dyed, spun into yarn, and woven into fabric. Wool can also be felted, a process of matting fibers together, to make products such as hats, slippers, and ornaments.