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Science You Can Eat

Students explore the scientific processes used to make the crops we grow and the livestock we raise (commodities) into some of the foods we eat every day. Students will discover how science and technology work together to create foods like pickles, bread, yogurt and more! To engage further in the topic, students will make their own cheese using enzymes produced through the fermentation of genetically engineered yeast.

6 – 8
Estimated Time
60-90 minutes
July 30, 2024
wooden bowl of cottage cheese with fruit in the background
Image: Enotovyj/Pixabay


Lesson Activities


National Content Area Standards

  • Career & Technical Education
    • AFNR (Grades 6-8): Biotechnology Systems Career Pathway
      • BS.01.01: Investigate and explain the relationship between past, current and emerging applications of biotechnology in agriculture (e.g., major innovators, historical developments, potential applications of biotechnology, etc.).
  • Social Studies – History
    • NCSS 8 (Grades 6-8): Science, Technology, and Society
      • Objective 1: Science is the result of empirical study of the natural world, and technology is the application of knowledge to accomplish tasks.
      • Objective 2: Society often turns to science and technology to solve problems.
      • Objective 8: Science and technology sometimes create ethical issues that test our standards and values.