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Plant-Soil Interactions (Grades 9-12)

Students will explain the roles of diffusion and active transport in moving nutrients from the soil to the plant, describe the formation of soil and soil horizons; and describe the events in the Great Dust Bowl, how they relate to soil horizons, and how those events affected agricultural practices.

9 – 12
Estimated Time
2 hours
January 31, 2024
roots of a plant growing in the soil
Image: Okea/iStock


Lesson Activities



Nutrients for Life Foundation


  • Nutrients for Life Foundation
  • BSCS-Biological Science Curriculum Study
  • Reviewed by Smithsonian Institution


National Content Area Standards

  • Career & Technical Education
    • AFNR (Grades 9-12): Plant Science Systems Career Pathway
      • PS.01.01: Determine the influence of environmental factors on plant growth.
      • PS.01.02: Prepare and manage growing media for use in plant systems.
  • Social Studies – Geography
    • Geography Standard 14 (Grades 9-12): How human actions modify the physical environment.
      • Objective 1: Human modifications of the physical environment can have significant global impacts.
      • Objective 2: The use of technology can have both intended and unintended impacts on the physical environment that may be positive or negative.
      • Objective 3: People can either mitigate and/or adapt to the consequences of human modifications of the physical environment.
    • Geography Standard 15 (Grades 9-12): How physical systems affect human systems.
      • Objective 1: Depending on the choice of human activities, the characteristics of the physical environment can be viewed as both opportunities and constraints.
    • Geography Standard 17 (Grades 9-12): How to apply geography to interpret the past.
      • Objective 3: Historical events must be interpreted in the contexts of people's past perceptions of places, regions, and environments.
  • Social Studies – History
    • History Era 8 Standard 1B (Grades 9-12): American life changed during the 1930s.
      • Objective 1: Explain the effects of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl on American farm owners, tenants, and sharecroppers.
    • History Era 8 Standard 2A (Grades 9-12): The New Deal and the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
      • Objective 6: Explain renewed efforts to protect the environment during the Great Depression and evaluate their success in places such as the Dust Bowl and the Tennessee Valley.
    • NCSS 2 (Grades 9-12): Time, Continuity, and Change
      • Objective 8: The importance of knowledge of the past to an understanding of the present and to informed decision-making about the future.
    • NCSS 8 (Grades 9-12): Science, Technology, and Society
      • Objective 2: Science and technology have had both positive and negative impacts upon individuals, societies, and the environment in the past and present.
      • Objective 4: Consequences of science and technology for individuals and societies.
    • NCSS 3 (Grades 9-12): People, Places, and Environments
      • Objective 4: The causes and impact of resource management, as reflected in land use, settlement patterns, and ecosystem changes.
      • Objective 6: The social and economic effects of environmental changes and crises resulting from phenomena such as floods, storms, and drought.
  • Science
    • HS-ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
      • HS-ESS3-4: Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural systems.
    • HS-LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
      • HS-LS2-1: Use mathematical and/or computational representations to support explanations of factors that affect carrying capacity of ecosystems at different scales.
      • HS-LS2-7: Design, evaluate, and refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on the environment and biodiversity.
    • APES Unit 4: Earth Systems and Resources
      • ERT-4.C Soil Composition and Properties: Describe similarities and differences between properties of different soil types.