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Cowabunga! All About Dairy Breeds

Students explore breed characteristics and countries of origin for five different breeds of dairy cattle and discover why dairy farmers choose individual breeds for specific purposes.

3 – 5
Estimated Time
Three 40-minute sessions
December 12, 2024
group of cows some with different colors and coat patterns
Image: Mark Stebnicki/Pexels


Lesson Activities



Mandi Bottoms | California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom


This lesson was funded in 2008 by the California Milk Advisory Board and the California Farm Bureau Federation. To meet the needs of California educators, Milk Matters: Discovering Dairy was created to meet the Curriculum Content Standards for California Public Schools. The unit also includes a collection of relevant resources about the dairy industry.

Executive Director: Judy Culbertson
Layout and Design: Imelda Muziom


National Content Area Standards

  • Social Studies – Geography
    • Geography Standard 17 (Grade 5): How to apply geography to interpret the past.
      • Objective 1: A historical event is influenced by the geographic context (the human and physical characteristics of places and environments) in which it occurred.
      • Objective 2: Change occurs in the geographic characteristics and spatial organization of places, regions, and environments.
    • Geography Standard 18 (Grade 5): How to apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future.
      • Objective 2: Change occurs in the geographic characteristics and spatial organization of places, regions, and environments.
  • Social Studies – History
    • NCSS 3 (Grades 3-5): People, Places, and Environments
      • Objective 7: Benefits and problems resulting from the discovery and use of resources.
      • Objective 9: Tools such as maps, globes, and geospatial technologies in investigating the relationships among people, places, and environments.
    • World History Era 2 Standard 1A (Grade 5): Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus valley became the centers of dense population, urbanization, and cultural innovation.
      • Objective 1: Analyze how the natural environments of the Tigris-Euphrates, Nile, and Indus valleys shaped the early development of civilization.