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Lactose Lab: Some Don't Like it Sweet

In this lesson, students learn the chemistry and composition of milk, identify the difference between a monosaccharide and disaccharide, and carry out a laboratory activity testing the effect of the enzyme lactase on various milks.

9 – 12
Estimated Time
60 minutes
July 28, 2024


Lesson Activities



Andrea Gardner | National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO)


  • Laboratory idea in Activity 2 from Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom.
  • Special thanks to Audrey Harmon and Oklahoma Agriculture in the Classroom for pilot testing this lesson.


National Content Area Standards

  • Career & Technical Education
    • AFNR (Grades 9-12): Food Products and Processing Systems Career Pathway
      • FPP.02.01: Apply principles of nutrition and biology to develop food products that provide a safe, wholesome and nutritious food supply for local and global food systems.
      • FPP.02.02: Apply principles of microbiology and chemistry to develop food products to provide a safe, wholesome and nutritious food supply for local and global food systems.
  • Health/Nutrition
    • Health Standard 5: Demonstrate effective decision-making skills to enhance health.
      • 5.12.2: Discuss the consequences of being indecisive when making a healthy decision.
  • Science
    • HS-LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
      • HS-LS1-6: Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for how carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from sugar molecules may combine with other elements to form amino acids and/or other large carbon-based molecules.