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Food Safety Sleuths- Food Safety Specialist

In this lesson students will learn about foodborne illness, its prevention, and the people and organizations that are involved in food safety. Students will conduct an experiment to learn how hand-washing affects the presence of bacteria on their hands.

6 – 8
Estimated Time
Two class sessions, plus 10-minute daily observations for one week
January 31, 2024
washing hands
Image: ivabalk/Pixabay


Lesson Activities



Mandi Bottoms and Shaney Emerson | California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom


This unit was funded by the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Secondary Agriculture Education Challenge Grants Program.

Executive Director: Judy Culbertson
Illustrator: Toni Smith
Layout and Design: Nina Danner and Renee Thompson
Copy Editor: Leah Rosasco


National Content Area Standards

  • Career & Technical Education
    • FCSE (Grades 6-8): Food Production and Services 8.0
      • 8.1.1: Explain the roles, duties, and functions of individuals engaged in food production and services careers.
      • 8.2.7: Demonstrate safe food handling and preparation techniques that prevent cross contamination from potentially hazardous foods and food groups.
    • AFNR (Grades 6-8): Food Products and Processing Systems Career Pathway
      • FPP.01.01: Analyze and manage operational and safety procedures in food products and processing facilities.
      • FPP.01.03: Apply food safety procedures when storing food products to ensure food quality.