Citrus Types
Grapefruit, lemons, oranges, and limes are citrus fruits that are grown in warm climates including California, Arizona, and Florida. Florida is the top producing citrus state. Florida and Arizona most often produce oranges that are processed into juices. Most California oranges are of the navel variety, which is a seedless fruit.
Grapefruit, as do lemons, grow on evergreen trees whose leaves have a waxy cuticle covering. Grapefruit were given their name when people noticed that they grow in clusters, just like grapes grow in clusters. Grapefruit trees produce best when they are grown in places that have hot summers and winters that never get colder than 20°F (-6.66° C).
Lemons are a popular ingredient in many dessert dishes, but are most often recognized as the main ingredient in lemonade. Ventura County in California is the leading producer of lemons in the United States. Because of its unique coastal location, some lemon trees in this region can produce fruit three to four times per year.
Lemons are usually smaller than grapefruit and are generally more sour than grapefruit. There is one exception to this, however. The Ponderosa lemon tree produces lemons that weigh approximately two pounds each! They have a very mild lemon flavor similar to the taste of the lemon flavor in lemonade.
Over the past several decades, more citrus varieties have been developed and commercialized. For example, the Pixie mandarin, a small, sweet, orange-colored fruit was developed by the University of California in Riverside. It is now a popular citrus fruit in stores today.
Protecting Citrus Trees
Farmers must protect their trees from winter frost and summer "sunburn." Perhaps you have seen some trees painted with white paint to protect the trunks from the sun. During the winter, growers must protect their trees from too much water. If this is a challenge, tree trunks are painted with a substance that is greenish-blue. This chemical prevents wet trees from getting diseases that are caused by bacteria and fungi that grow on wet citrus roots.
All citrus farmers must protect their trees from insects and other pests. The most common pest is the common garden snail. Copper rings are placed around citrus trunks. This produces a physical barrier that, if crossed by the snails, will emit an electric shock. Garden snails are also controlled by the release of special types of carnivorous snails. These special snails eat the harmful snails and do not eat any plants. You may also research other citrus pests, such as the "citrus bud mite."