Students will view the 2014 film Farmland, a documentary spotlighting six farmers and ranchers in the United States. The film portrays the business and lifestyle of a variety of farmers and ranchers. Perspectives on topics such as bioengineered (GMO) crops, animal welfare, organic and conventional farming practices, farm size, farming stereotypes, and more are presented.
Lesson Activities
Recommended Companion Resources
Andrea Gardner | National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization (NAITCO)
The viewing guides in Strategy 4 were written and provided by the Iowa Agricultural Literacy Foundation.
National Content Area Standards
- Career & Technical Education
- AFNR (Grades 9-12): Biotechnology Systems Career Pathway
- BS.01.02: Evaluate the scope and implications of regulatory agencies on applications of biotechnology in agriculture and protection of public interests (e.g., health, safety, environmental issues, etc.).
- BS.01.03: Analyze the relationship and implications of bioethics, laws and public perceptions on applications of biotechnology in agriculture (e.g., ethical, legal, social, cultural issues).
- AFNR (Grades 9-12): Biotechnology Systems Career Pathway
- Social Studies – Geography
- APHG Topic 5.11: Challenges of Contemporary Agriculture
- IMP-5.B.1: Agricultural innovations such as biotechnology, genetically modified organisms, and aquaculture have been accompanied by debates over sustainability, soil and water usage, reductions in biodiversity, and extensive fertilizer and pesticide use.
- IMP-5.B.2: Patterns of food production and consumption are influenced by movements relating to individual food choice, such as urban farming, community-supported agriculture (CSA), organic farming, value-added specialty crops, fair trade, local-food movements, and dietary shifts.
- APHG Topic 5.11: Challenges of Contemporary Agriculture
- Science
- HS-ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
- HS-ESS3-3: Create a computational simulation to illustrate the relationships among the management of natural resources, the sustainability of human populations, and biodiversity.
- HS-ESS3-4: Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural systems.
- APES Unit 5: Land and Water Use
- EIN-2.H Meat Production Methods: Identify different methods of meat production.
- HS-ESS3: Earth and Human Activity