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From Boom to Dust

Students will learn how the events of World War I helped spark the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and the resulting New Deal by watching a video and participating in a round robin, responding in writing to images and sound bites from the Dust Bowl, and observing a wind erosion demonstration.Grades 9-12

9 – 12
Estimated Time
Two 50-minute sessions
December 7, 2022


Lesson Activities



Debra Spielmaker | Utah Agriculture in the Classroom


National Content Area Standards

  • Social Studies – History
    • History Era 8 Standard 1B (Grades 9-12): American life changed during the 1930s.
      • Objective 1: Explain the effects of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl on American farm owners, tenants, and sharecroppers.
    • History Era 8 Standard 2A (Grades 9-12): The New Deal and the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
      • Objective 6: Explain renewed efforts to protect the environment during the Great Depression and evaluate their success in places such as the Dust Bowl and the Tennessee Valley.