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Growing a Nation Era 3: Prosperity and Challenges

Students engage with the Growing a Nation timeline to explore the significant historical and agricultural events and inventions from American history during the years 1950-1969. Students examine the cause and effect relationships of many post-war advances that took place in our country and discover how increases in science and technology changed agriculture, leading to fewer farmers being necessary to provide food and fiber.

9 – 12
Estimated Time
60 minutes
December 7, 2022


Lesson Activities



Debra Spielmaker | National Center for Agricultural Literacy (NCAL)


Growing a Nation was funded by USDA CSREES cooperative agreement #2004-38840-01819 and developed cooperatively by: USDA, Utah State University Extension, and LetterPress Software, Inc.

Activity 6: Wheat Breeding developed by Lynn Wallin for the National Center for Agricultural Literacy.


National Content Area Standards

  • Social Studies – History
    • History Era 6 Standard 1A (Grades 9-12): The connections among industrialization, the advent of the modern corporation, and material well-being.
      • Objective 5: Compare the ascent of new industries today with those of a century ago.
    • History Era 6 Standard 1B (Grades 9-12): Rapid growth of cities and how urban life changed.
      • Objective 1: Explain how geographical factors and rapid industrialization created different kinds of cities in diverse regions of the country.
    • History Era 9 Standard 1A (Grades 9-12): The extent and impact of economic changes in the postwar period.
      • Objective 3: Explain the growth of the service, white collar, and professional sectors of the economy that led to the enlargement of the middle class.
    • History Era 9 Standard 1C (Grades 9-12): Postwar science augmented the nation's economic strength, transformed daily life, and influenced the world economy.
      • Objective 5: Describe agricultural innovation and consolidation in the postwar period and assess their impact on the world economy.