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Supply and Demand: What If?

Students will demonstrate understanding of the importance of the relationship between producers and consumers by explaining how agricultural supply and demand affects commodity prices.

6 – 8
Estimated Time
Two 45-minute sessions
January 31, 2024
illustration of wheat and graphs
Image: Armstrong/AdobeStock


Lesson Activities



Andrea Gardner | Utah Agriculture in the Classroom


National Content Area Standards

  • Career & Technical Education
    • AFNR (Grades 6-8): Career Ready Practices
      • CRP.10.1: Identify career opportunities within a career cluster that match personal interests, talents, goals and preferences.
  • Social Studies – Economics
    • Economics Standard 7 (Grades 6-8): Market and Prices
      • Objective (Grades 6-8): Identify markets in which they have participated as a buyer and as a seller and describe how the interaction of all buyers and sellers influences prices. Also, predict how prices change when there is either a shortage or surplus of the product available.