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Nutrients to Get Less Of (Grades 6-8)

This lesson introduces sodium and sugar as dietary nutrients we should consume less of. Students will identify the foods and beverages they should limit and recognize how to use the Nutrition Facts label to measure sodium and sugar intake.

6 – 8
Estimated Time
Two 45-minute activities
October 30, 2024
inscription of sugar and salt on a table.
Image: Getty Images


Lesson Activities



FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)


The Science and Our Food Supply: Using the Nutrition Facts Label to Make Healthy Food Choices (2022 Edition) was brought to you by the Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.


National Content Area Standards

  • Health/Nutrition
    • Health Standard 1: Comprehend functional health knowledge to enhance health.
      • 1.8.2: Analyze benefits of practicing health-promoting behaviors.
    • Health Standard 2: Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other determinants on health behaviors.
      • 2.8.4: Explain how perceptions of social norms and expectations influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
    • Health Standard 5: Demonstrate effective decision-making skills to enhance health.
      • 5.8.6: Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy consequences for each alternative.
      • 5.8.7: Choose a health-promoting option when making an effective decision.
    • Health Standard 6: Demonstrate effective goal-setting skills to enhance health.
      • 6.8.1: Assess personal health practices.