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Stacking Up Milk and Milk Substitutes

Students will compare and contrast milk and plant-based milk substitutes by learning their source from farm-to-table and discovering how they "stack-up" in nutritional value. Students will also explore food package labeling laws and consumer trends in milk consumption to think critically about the impact of labels in marketing and consumer perceptions of food.

9 – 12
Estimated Time
60-90 minutes
December 7, 2022


Lesson Activities


National Content Area Standards

  • Career & Technical Education
    • AFNR (Grades 9-12): Food Products and Processing Systems Career Pathway
      • FPP.04.02: Evaluate the significance and implications of changes and trends in the food products and processing industry in the local and global food systems.
  • Health/Nutrition
    • Health Standard 2: Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other determinants on health behaviors.
      • 2.12.3: Analyze how peers and perceptions of norms influence health behaviors.
    • Health Standard 3: Demonstrate health literacy by accessing valid and reliable health information, products, and services to enhance health.
      • 3.12.3: Access valid and reliable health information from print and electronic materials that are available from credible health organizations (e.g., federal, professional, voluntary).
    • Health Standard 7: Demonstrate observable health and safety practices.
      • 7.12.1: Demonstrate age and developmentally appropriate health and safety practices that prevent or reduce the risk of disease and injury and improve quality of life.