Apples and the Science of Genetic Selection
Students will distinguish between natural and artificial selection and use a student-centered learning activity to see how science and genetics have been used to artificially select apples for specific traits like color, texture, taste, and crispness.
Lesson Activities
Recommended Companion Resources
Harley Braun, Sue Knott, Keri Sidle | Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom
University of Minnesota Apple Breeding:
National Content Area Standards
- Career & Technical Education
- AFNR (Grades 9-12): Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Cluster Skills
- CS.01.02: Examine technologies and analyze their impact on AFNR systems.
- AFNR (Grades 9-12): Biotechnology Systems Career Pathway
- BS.01.01: Investigate and explain the relationship between past, current and emerging applications of biotechnology in agriculture (e.g., major innovators, historical developments, potential applications of biotechnology, etc.).
- BS.03.06: Apply biotechnology principles, techniques and processes to improve waste management (e.g., genetically modified organisms, bioremediation, etc.).
- AFNR (Grades 9-12): Plant Science Systems Career Pathway
- PS.03.01: Demonstrate plant propagation techniques in plant system activities.
- AFNR (Grades 9-12): Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Cluster Skills
- Science
- HS-LS4: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
- HS-LS4-4: Construct an explanation based on evidence for how natural selection leads to adaptation of populations.
- HS-LS4: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity