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Drones in High-Tech Farming (Grades 6-8)

Students discover the science behind how a drone works, explore how drones are used in agriculture, and program and operate a drone for the purpose of monitoring grazing sheep.

6 – 8
Estimated Time
3 hours
August 9, 2024
drones flying over cotton field
Image: DJI-Agras/Pixabay


Lesson Activities



Lynn Wallin | National Center for Agricultural Literacy (NCAL)


National Content Area Standards

  • Social Studies – History
    • NCSS 8 (Grades 6-8): Science, Technology, and Society
      • Objective 2: Society often turns to science and technology to solve problems.
      • Objective 5: Science and technology have changed peoples' perceptions of the social and natural world, as well as their relationship to the land, economy and trade, their concept of security, and their major daily activities.
  • Science
    • MS-ETS1: Engineering Design
      • MS-ETS1-1: Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.