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Beef: Making the Grade

Students will evaluate the USDA grading system for whole cuts of beef and discuss consumer preferences and nutritional differences between grain-finished and grass-finished beef. Students will also distinguish various labels on beef products and discuss reasons for the government’s involvement in agricultural production, processing and distribution of food.

9 – 12
Estimated Time
1 hour
December 9, 2024
person using smart phone and instrument to assess beef carcass
Image: usdagov/Flickr


Lesson Activities


National Content Area Standards

  • Career & Technical Education
    • AFNR (Grades 9-12): Food Products and Processing Systems Career Pathway
      • FPP.02.01: Apply principles of nutrition and biology to develop food products that provide a safe, wholesome and nutritious food supply for local and global food systems.
      • FPP.03.01: Implement selection, evaluation and inspection techniques to ensure safe and quality food products.
      • FPP.03.02: Design and apply techniques of food processing, preservation, packaging and presentation for distribution and consumption of food products.
  • Science
    • APES Unit 5: Land and Water Use
      • EIN-2.H Meat Production Methods: Identify different methods of meat production.