Right This Very Minute
Students read Right This Very Minute—a table-to-farm book about food production and farming—and diagram the path of production for a processed product, study a map to discover where different commodities are grown, and write a thank-you letter to farmers in their local community.
Lesson Activities
Recommended Companion Resources
Bekka Israelsen | Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
- 15 Fantastic Food and Farm Facts | American Farm Bureau Federation
- California Agricultural Statistics | National Agriculture in the Classroom
- North Dakota Agricultural Statistics | National Agriculture in the Classroom
- Florida Agricultural Statistics | National Agriculture in the Classroom
- Lesson Plan: From Seed to Salad | National Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix
- Vegetables | Agricultural Marketing Resource Center
National Content Area Standards
- Social Studies – Economics
- Economics Standard 7 (Grades 3-5): Market and Prices
- Objective (Grades 3-5): Identify markets in which they have participated as a buyer and as a seller and describe how the interaction of all buyers and sellers influences prices. Also, predict how prices change when there is either a shortage or surplus of the product available.
- Economics Standard 8 (Grades 3-5): Role of Prices
- Objective (Grades 3-5): Predict how changes in factors such as consumers' tastes or producers' technology affect prices.
- Economics Standard 2 (Grades 3-5): Decision Making
- Objective (Grades 3-5): Make effective decisions as consumers, producers, savers, investors, and citizens.
- Economics Standard 7 (Grades 3-5): Market and Prices