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Growing a Nation Era 5a: Growing Technology

Students will be introduced to technologies currently used on farms by engaging in an AppQuest to discover how farmers use mobile apps to manage farm production systems, marketing options, and make timely decisions.

9 – 12
Estimated Time
45-60 minutes
January 30, 2024


Lesson Activities



Andrea Gardner and Debra Spielmaker | National Center for Agricultural Literacy (NCAL)


Growing a Nation was funded by USDA CSREES cooperative agreement #2004-38840-01819 and developed cooperatively by: USDA, Utah State University Extension, and LetterPress Software, Inc.


National Content Area Standards

  • Career & Technical Education
    • AFNR (Grades 9-12): Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Cluster Skills
      • CS.01.02: Examine technologies and analyze their impact on AFNR systems.
  • Social Studies – History
    • NCSS 8 (Grades 9-12): Science, Technology, and Society
      • Objective 4: Consequences of science and technology for individuals and societies.
      • Objective 6: Prediction, modeling, and planning are used to focus advances in science and technology for positive ends.
      • Objective 11: That achievements in science and technology are increasing at a rapid pace and can have both planned and unanticipated consequences.
      • Objective 12: Developments in science and technology may help to address global issues.