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Energy Bar Exploration

Through project-based learning, students will develop, market, and brand a healthy energy bar and packaging to be sold to a target audience.

6 – 8
Estimated Time
9 days
February 16, 2024
Granola pieces on wooden board, close up view
Image: Tatiana Volgutova/iStock


Lesson Activities



Debra Spielmaker | National Center for Agricultural Literacy (NCAL)


National Content Area Standards

  • Career & Technical Education
    • AFNR (Grades 6-8): Career Ready Practices
      • CRP.10.1: Identify career opportunities within a career cluster that match personal interests, talents, goals and preferences.
      • CRP.10.4: Identify, prepare, update and improve the tools and skills necessary to pursue a chosen career path.
    • AFNR (Grades 6-8): Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Cluster Skills
      • CS.05.02: Examine and choose career opportunities that are matched to personal skills, talents, and career goals in an AFNR pathway of interest.
  • Social Studies – Economics
    • Economics Standard 2 (Grades 6-8): Decision Making
      • Objective (Grades 6-8): Make effective decisions as consumers, producers, savers, investors, and citizens.
    • Economics Standard 14 (Grades 6-8): Entrepreneurship
      • Objective (Grades 6-8): Identify the risks and potential returns to entrepreneurship, as well as the skills necessary to engage in it. Understand the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation to economic growth, and how public policies affect incentives for and, consequently, the success of entrepreneurship in the United States.