Most Americans have access to a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, dairy, and meat products. Each food item may have been produced on a nearby farm, in a neighboring state, from somewhere across the country, or from overseas locations.
A couple of generations ago the majority of the food we consumed was provided by our own gardens and farms or from local farmers. During these times, most consumers played some part in the production of their food. In contrast, only a very small portion of our population produces the food we all consume today.
Consider the following geographical factors that influence the production of plant-source foods:
Climate plays a large role in the production of plant-based foods. Every plant has its own climate requirement for productive growth. For example, citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes require a tropical or subtropical climate. In the United States citrus fruits are grown primarily in Florida and Southern California. Tropical fruits such as pineapple, mangos, passion fruit, and papaya can only be grown in Hawaii or in other tropical climates. Berries and fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, peaches, and melons can be grown in more temperate climates as long as the length of the growing season is sufficient for the plants to produce their fruit. Other crops prefer cooler climates such as wheat, potatoes, sugar beets, and many vegetables such as broccoli, onions, lettuce, carrots, and spinach.
Soils worldwide have different properties that affect its ability to supply nutrients, hold water, and to ultimately support food production. Sandy soils under some conditions will not hold enough water. Clay soils might hold too much water and dry to the hardness of concrete where plants will not thrive. Soil fertility refers to the quality of a soil that allows it to provide adequate amounts of nutrients in the proper balance to support healthy plant growth. Fertile soil contains the correct balance of organic matter, lies within a specific pH (acid/base) range, cycles nutrients, and hosts a community of microorganisms.
Water is an essential resource for the growth of plants. Water requirements vary from crop to crop with some crops requiring a lot of water and others requiring relatively little water. For example, rice is a staple food crop that requires a lot of water. Rice fields can actually be submerged in water for part of the growing season. Geography impacts both water supply and the availability of fresh water.
Open space is another important factor to consider in evaluating a our capability to produce food locally. In some areas, residential populations or businesses are too dense for some types of farming which may require larger fields for plant growth. Even more important than having open space is the fact that the land needs to be considered arable land; fertile, tillable, with access to water.
The livestock that produce our meat, eggs, and milk are slightly more adaptable to various climates and conditions, especially with the use of modern animal husbandry practices which provide temperature controlled buildings and shelters in unsuitable weather. However, consider the following geographical factors that influence the production of animal-source foods.
Resource Availability. Animals raised on farms for the production of meat, milk, and eggs require adequate feed and appropriate shelter for the climate and weather conditions. There is often a geographic correlation between the location of livestock farms and where the feed is produced. For example, pigs eat a mixture of corn and soybeans. Iowa produces more pork and corn than any other state. Among other factors, it is an economical choice to raise pigs close to where the feed is produced to eliminate shipping costs.
Open space. Livestock animals are raised in a variety of places. Beef cattle and sheep spend a large portion of their lives grazing on public or private rangelands. Many pigs and poultry animals are housed in climate-controlled indoor barns that may require relatively less space for animal housing, but also require locations that meet zoning requirements and provide for proper manure and environmental management.
Access to markets and processing facilities. While many livestock farms are located in remote or rural areas, they also need to have efficient access to processing and distribution facilities. For example, milk is a perishable food product. It is transported from the dairy farm to a processing plant where the milk is pasteurized and either bottled or processed into cheese, butter, or other dairy products. Close geographical proximity to a processing facility is essential.