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Showing 112 of 221 results
carton of white eggs on countertop

Eggs: From Hen to Home (Grades 3-5)

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students trace the production path of eggs, beginning on the farm and ending in their home and identify the culinary uses and nutritional benefits of eggs.

aerial view of a farm

What is a Farm?

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students discover that there are many different types of farms that grow and raise a variety of products we use daily. Students investigate what farmers do.

group of red and black angus cattle on open rangeland

Beef Basics

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students explain the value of the beef cattle industry, including the products cattle produce, the production process from farm to plate, and how cattle can utilize and obtain energy from grass and other forage.

plate on placemat with mindful eating messages

Mastering Mindful Eating (Grades 6-8)

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Students will explore hunger, satiety, and mindful eating to discover how our eating habits are impacted by our awareness to physiological signals of hunger or fullness. Students will also practice mindful eating practices and explore portion sizes as they sort foods, create meals using portion-size food models, and track their food using mindful eating practices.

plate on placemat with mindful eating messages

Mastering Mindful Eating (Grades 9-12)

  • Lesson
  • Grades 9 – 12

Students will explore hunger, satiety, and mindful eating to discover how our eating habits are impacted by our awareness to physiological signals of hunger or fullness. Students will also practice mindful eating practices and explore portion sizes as they sort foods, create meals using portion-size food models, and track their food using mindful eating practices.

overhead view of empty plates

A Day Without Agriculture (Grades 3-5)

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students explore the wide scope of agriculture, identify the variety of agricultural products and by-products they use in their daily lives, and discuss the difference between needs and wants.

overhead view of empty plates

A Day Without Agriculture (Grades K-2)

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students explore the wide scope of agriculture, identify the variety of agricultural products they use in their daily lives, and discuss the difference between needs and wants.

various apples

A is for Apples

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students use their five senses to investigate apples, identify and model the parts of an apple, make applesauce, and discover how apples are grown.