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Agriculture and Me

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students categorize sources of basic agricultural products alphabetically.

Agriculture Pays

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students discover that agricultural careers are interconnected and that agriculture influences many parts of their daily lives.

Agriculture Counts

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students read a story about our nation's first survey of agriculture, discuss reasons for counting things, and gain practice by sorting and counting a variety of objects related to agriculture.

A Walnut Orchard Through the Seasons

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students discover the changes that take place in a walnut orchard through the seasons by reading and discussing a story about a walnut farm.

Matter of Fact

  • Lesson
  • Grades 9 – 12

In this lesson, students will take on the role of a nitrogen molecule and experience how various forms of nitrogen cycle through the environment. Students will be able to identify and differentiate between atoms, molecules, and compounds.

Growing a Nation Era 4: Into a New Millennium

  • Lesson
  • Grades 9 – 12

Students engage with the Growing a Nation timeline to explore the significant historical and agricultural events and inventions from American history during the years 1970-2000. Students recognize the importance of labor in agriculture and determine how the implementation of technology in agriculture increased agricultural production.

Seeds under a magnifying glass on a yellow background

Crop Case Files: Dichotomous Keys

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Students will explore the connection between weeds and ecosystem stability, practice observing characteristics by using and creating a dichotomous key, and research and present information on noxious weeds.