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Showing 2536 of 152 results
large dust clouds moving over rural town

Dark Days

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students examine the modern and historical importance of soil erosion in Utah and on the Great Plains during the Dust Bowl.

Caring for the Land

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students explain why people have different opinions regarding soil management and identify cause and effect relationships relating to agriculture and the environment.

colorful papayas with sticker saying Strawberry Papaya from Hawaii

Evaluating Perspectives About GMOs

  • Lesson
  • Grades 9 – 12

While many view bioengineered crops (GMOs) as a promising innovation, there is controversy about their use. This lesson provides students with a brief overview of the technology, equipping them with the ability to evaluate the social, environmental, and economic arguments for and against bioengineered crops (GMOs). This lesson covers a socioscientific issue and aims to provide students with tools to evaluate science within the context of social and economic points of view.

Collage of different uses of federal lands.

Federal Lands: Ranching & Recreating on Common Grounds

  • Lesson
  • Grades 9 – 12

Using various forms of maps, students will analyze public lands in the western United States, describe how ranchers raise food and fiber on federally owned land, and discuss different points of view concerning public lands use and public lands grazing. This lesson covers a socioscientific issue and aims to provide students with tools to evaluate science within the context of social and economic points of view.

Farming for Energy

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students identify renewable and nonrenewable energy sources and investigate how farms can produce renewable energy.

Survival of the Fittest: Comparing the Needs of Humans and Cows

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students identify what cows and humans need to survive by exploring the physical characteristics of cows and the food, water, shelter, and other environmental needs of cows compared to their own needs. Students also examine how farmers work to meet the needs of their cows.

Pigs on the Farm (Grades 3-5)

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students explore the basic needs of animals and create a model of a modern pig barn that will help farmers meet the needs of animals.

Pigs on the Farm (Grades K-2)

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students explore the basic needs of animals and create a model of a modern pig barn that will help farmers meet the needs of the animals.

Counting Sheep or People? Census 2020

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students explore the Census of 2020 by making a connection between shepherds counting their sheep and counting the population of the United States.

Field of cotton

Cotton's American Journey (Grades 6-8)

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Students investigate the impact of cotton on the history and culture of the United States. Students will discover the growth and processing requirements for cotton, recognize how the invention of the cotton gin affected slavery, explain how the plantation system was organized, and ultimately understand the role of cotton in the Civil War.

Before the Plate

  • Lesson
  • Grades 9 – 12

Students view the 2018 documentary Before the Plate and follow Canadian chef John Horne as he journeys to the source of ten primary food ingredients used in his restaurant. Using critical thinking skills, students will explore the farm-to-table journey of food. This lesson covers a socioscientific issue and aims to provide students with tools to evaluate science within the context of social and economic points of view.