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Teaching, Skill Building, and Assessment Strategies

Teaching, Skill Building, and Assessment Strategies
Strategy Description Keyword Search Terms
1-2-3 quick Pairs of students determine the three most important items from an assigned reading and compare the information with another pair of students who read the same passage; a new list of three important items are determined by the four students. 1-2-3 quick
alphabetizing arrange words or phrases in alphabetical order alphabetizing, alphabetize
argumentation Structured argumentation provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate the differences between a claim, evidence, and the use of reasoning for critical analysis and in some cases decision making; useful in science and social studies, particularly with the crossover between the disciplines in socioscience. argumentation, socioscience, debate
brochure Two or three-fold informative paper document created by students to display information or advertise an event. brochure, flier, pamphlet, leaflet, newspaper advertisement
case study Provides an opportunity for students to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-life experiences. case study, case studies, case method
cause and effect Identification and explanation of the interaction between two events or ideas whereas the action of one results in the other. cause and effect
character sociograms Five or more circles with names of historical characters, countries, or events in each with labeled arrows to depict the relationship between each circle. character sociograms
claim, evidence, reasoning (CER) or claim, evidence, reasoning, and rebuttal (CER-R) model A framework for making scientific explanations. Claim is a statement that answers the question, evidence is the scientific data and details that support the claim, and reasoning explains how or why the evidence supports the claim. CER, claim, evidence, reasoning, CER-R
close reading Silent reading of a text to focus on significant details to create a deep understanding of the text's meaning. close reading
comparison / contrast with timeline Examination of two views from an assigned event to include a Venn diagram noting each point outside of the circles. comparison / contrast with timeline
concept mapping A graphic organizer that includes concepts and the relationships among the concepts usually enclosed in boxes or circles; learn more about concept maps. concept mapping, concept map, concept web
conference An opportunity to assess student thinking as students verbalize their knowledge. conference, interview
cooperative learning Instructional approaches in which students work together in small groups to accomplish common learning goal. cooperative learning, collaborative learning
Cornell notes A systematic format for condensing and organizing notes. note taking
counting To name or list (the units of a group or collection) one by one in order to determine a total. counting, tally marks
cross-the-line Pose a controversial statement and ask students who agree with the statement to go to one side of the room and those who do not agree to go to the other side. Place a chair on each side from which the students may speak. Only the student in the chair may speak. Sides take turns speaking and as speakers make their points, students may change sides as often as they like. cross-the-line, philosophical chairs, critical thinking
debate Organization and discussion of a controversial issue whereas students are asked to speak either in favor or against the issue; two groups will speak affirmatively or negatively about the selected issue. debate, argumentation
demonstration Presentation performed by the student to convey their mastery of subject content. demonstration, performance
discussion Engaging students in discussion deepens their learning and motivation by propelling them to develop their own views and hear their own voices. discussion, explanation
engineering design process (EDP) A series of steps that engineers follow to find a solution to a problem; the process is iterative, meaning that steps are repeated as many times as needed, making improvements along the way, learning from failure, and uncovering new design possibilities. EDP, engineering, engineering design process, problem solving
E.S.C.A.P.E. A tool for evaluating information by considering the evidence, source, context, audience, purpose, and execution. critical thinking
exit ticket Assessment tool, this technique allows students to share what they understand or still have questions about at the end of a lesson, the “ticket” filled out with an answer to a question, a solution to a problem, or a response to what they’ve learned (consider sticky notes that they "slap" to the wall). assessment, exit ticket
experiment Scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. experiment, experiments, lab, labs
fishbowl discussion A collaborative engaging method for facilitating discussions. TeachLikeThis video. fishbowl discussion, panel discussion
formative assessment A technique that uses questioning, without a summative assessment or grade, to inform instruction and provide the learner with timely or immediate feedback. formative assessment
four corners Identify four corners of the classroom and label them with four responses to a question, then ask students to go to the corner they think has the correct response or the response that resonates most with them. Students discuss why they chose that corner with others in the same group and then share with the class. four corners, classroom activities
gallery walk Students move around the classroom to different locations (e.g., to view different displays, posters, etc.) to actively engage with content in a new way; students can learn from one another as they interact with the displayed material. gallery walk, carousel
graffiti board A large piece of paper displayed where students may write comments, thoughts, or ideas on an assigned topic, allowing for collective brainstorming. graffiti board
graphic organizers Visual and graphic displays that organize information and demonstrate relationships between different facts, concepts, or ideas. graphic organizers, mind maps
interview Verbal interaction with a student where the teacher asks questions to assess student understanding of key concepts or ideas. conference, interview
jigsaw Instructional strategy that involves students becoming “experts” on one part of a lesson and then teaching that part to peers in a small group setting. Each member of the group is responsible for teaching their “expert” section to the others. jigsaw, peer teaching
KWL chart Organizing a chart into three columns: K (what I know), W (what I want to know), and L (what I learned). KWL chart, K-W-L chart
literature circle Discussion groups formed around a text where students are assigned roles (discussion director, summarizer, connector, etc.) to guide the conversation. literature circle, book club
mystery student The teacher pulls out a student's name at random (or anonymously selects one) and carefully observes this student's engagement, behavior, or progress throughout the day. At the end of the day or lesson, the teacher reveals who the mystery student was and discusses their observations. mystery student, secret student
peer assessment Students assess each other's work to provide feedback and improve learning; helps students develop critical thinking skills and learn from one another. peer assessment, peer review
peer feedback Students provide constructive feedback to their peers on a task or performance, helping each other to improve and refine their work. peer feedback
peer teaching Students teaching each other, often used in combination with strategies like the jigsaw method. peer teaching, peer instruction
personal reflection Students think about and write down their thoughts on what they've learned, how they feel about their learning process, or the subject matter. personal reflection, journaling
portfolio A collection of student work that demonstrates learning, progress, and achievements over time. portfolio
project-based learning Students work on a project over an extended period of time that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. project-based learning, PBL
quick writes Short, timed writing exercises that allow students to express their thoughts, review material, or prepare for discussion. quick writes
role play Students act out roles or scenarios to explore particular concepts or events. role play, simulation
science fair A student competition where students present their science project findings to be judged. science fair
self-assessment Students evaluate their own work and learning process to identify strengths and areas for improvement. self-assessment
simulations Activities that mimic real-life scenarios to help students understand complex concepts and practice skills. simulations, role play
think-pair-share Students think about a question or problem individually, then pair up with a partner to discuss their thoughts, and finally share their insights with the larger group. think-pair-share
three-two-one Students write down three things they learned, two things they found interesting, and one question they still have after a lesson. three-two-one
timeline Students create a chronological timeline to organize information about a sequence of events or historical periods. timeline
webquest An inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information that students interact with comes from resources on the internet. webquest
word wall An organized collection of words displayed in large letters on a wall, used as a visual reference for students. word wall
write-around Students write a response to a prompt on a piece of paper, then pass the paper to a classmate who adds to or comments on the response, and this continues until everyone has contributed. write-around