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Companion Resources

Showing 112 of 1059 results
sheets of stickers, wood coins, flowcharts, and food group cards

Environmental Cost of Food Kit

  • Kit

Classroom-ready kit for activities designed for students to examine the environmental footprint of food. Students discover factors along the farm-to-fork process that contribute to a food's environmental footprint and discuss possible solutions to create a sustainable future through the foods we eat.


  • Book

Chickenology takes young readers on a fascinating and informative tour of chickens. With a playful tone and irresistibly charming illustrations, this lively visual encyclopedia presents chickens in all of their feathered glory. Discover the incredible variety of chickens with different origins, breeds, and feather patterns. Learn incredible facts: did you know that chickens can learn to count up to four and have excellent hearing? Many even like to listen to music!

Our Food Grows

  • Book

With vibrant illustrations and simple explanations, Our Food Grows shows how fruits, vegetables, and grains make their way from the farm to our plates. Perfect for curious kids and budding gardeners, this engaging introduction to where our food comes from reveals the magic of growing your own garden. An Educator's Guide for preK-1st grade is available.

Seasons on the Farm

  • Book

On a farm, each season arrives with new jobs to do—crops to plant, animals to tend to, and fields to harvest. Readers get an insider's look at what spring, summer, fall, and winter look like on a family farm, from adorable baby animals to rumbling tractors and pumpkins to pies. This sweet, rhyming story is perfect for young readers, whether their home is on a farm or not!

cover of the book Akeem Keeps Bees!; father and son working with a hive

Akeem Keeps Bees!: A Close-Up Look at the Honey Makers and Pollinators of Sankofa Farms

  • Book

Told from Akeem's perspective, Akeem Keeps Bees begins with the arrival and installation of a package of bees and follows Akeem and his Dad throughout the year as they inspect the hive, find the queen, deal with a swarm, harvest honey, and prepare for winter. Every part of the process is illustrated for young readers, teaching them the special role that bees play on a farm. The author, Kamal Bell, is a leading voice among Black farmers educating and inspiring Black youth about farming and beekeeping.

Snapshot of e-magazine with eggs, chickens, and text about egg production

Livestock Production e-Magazine

  • Booklet/Reader

This e-magazine answers four questions about livestock. What natural resources are required to raise livestock? What do modern livestock farms look like? How does livestock production impact the environment? What do livestock contribute to our society? Explore these questions for the dairy, beef, pork, egg, poultry, and lamb industries.

Snapshot of e-reader cover titled

Careers 101 e-Magazine

  • Booklet/Reader

Digital e-reader to support career exploration and guide students in thinking about career selection details like salary, benefits, working conditions, location, education and training, as well as return on investment for educational expenses.

cover of Before We Eat

Before We Eat: From Farm to Table

  • Book

Before we eat, many people work very hard—planting grain, catching fish, tending farm animals, and filling crates of vegetables. With vibrant illustrations by Caldecott Medalist Mary Azarian, this book reminds us what must happen before food gets to our tables to nourish our bodies and spirits.

Home in a Lunchbox book cover

Home in a Lunchbox

  • Book

When Jun moves from Hong Kong to America, the only words she knows are hello, thank you, I don't know, and toilet. Her new school feels foreign and terrifying. But when she opens her lunchbox to find her favorite meals—like bao, dumplings, and bok choy—she realizes home isn't so far away after all. Through lush art and spare dialogue, Cherry Mo's breathtakingly beautiful debut picture book reminds readers that friendship and belonging can be found in every bite.

cover of I'm Thinking of a Farm Animal

I'm Thinking of a Farm Animal

  • Book

Each child is thinking of a farm animal. What do the animals look like? What noises do they make? Read the clues, make a guess, and pull the slider to reveal the animal hiding in the beautifully illustrated scene.

A smart phone with apps representing different career pathways in agriculture.

Discover Agriculture Careers (Website)

  • Website

The Discover Agriculture Careers website is designed for a student audience to explore career pathways in agriculture. Students can explore focus areas within each pathway, education requirements, and see how they can get experience in the career pathway now.

cover of Big Farms, Little Farms book

Big Farms, Little Farms

  • Book

Farmers work hard to give us the food or products we need to survive. Learn about many different types of farmers including dairy, fruit and vegetable, maple syrup, beekeepers, animal farming, orchards, and Christmas tree farms.