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automatic food wrapping machine

The Quicker the Better? Food Processing (Grades 6-8)

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Students explore different levels of food processing and the ways in which processed foods affect the health of our diets by looking at examples of foods from the grocery store and by closely examining food labels.

Mystery Juice (Grades 6-8)

  • Lesson
  • Grades 6 – 8

Using an inquiry approach, students will develop an investigation to determine the difference between two juices. Food safety will be discussed in relation to the results of the investigations. Students will have the opportunity to discover how pasteurization reduces the number of microorganisms in a food such as juice.

Shopping cart with food and various food labels

Looking Under the Label

  • Lesson
  • Grades 9 – 12

Students evaluate food package labels, determine their meaning, and use the Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning model to determine the value of the label in relation to food production practices, nutrition, health, and food safety. Students will engage in critical thinking to recognize the impact of food package labels in relation to marketing, consumer perceptions of food, and farming practices.

two burgers with fixings and buns

A Tale of Two Burgers: Beef and Plant-based Protein

  • Lesson
  • Grades 9 – 12

Students compare the components of beef and plant-based burgers by determining the production and processing methods of each product; evaluate the ingredients and nutritional differences between beef and plant-based products; and discuss different points of view in the agricultural industry concerning plant-based proteins and traditional beef. This lesson covers a socioscientific issue and aims to provide students with tools to evaluate science within the context of social and economic points of view.

Eggs: From Hen to Home (Grades K-2)

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students trace the production path of eggs, beginning on the farm and ending in their home and identify the culinary uses and nutritional benefits of eggs.

In a Nutshell

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students explore pecan production from farm to fork, simulate the process of grafting, and create a nutritious snack.

Eggs: Protein MVP

  • Lesson
  • Grades 3 – 5

Students explore the importance of protein to a healthy diet and discover that eggs are a nutritious food and a good source of protein.

A Taste of Leafy Greens

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students explore a variety of greens to identify their structure and function in plant growth and prepare, cook, differentiate, and enjoy the health benefits leafy greens have to offer.

How Does Your Garden Grow? (Grades K-2)

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students discover the needs of a seed to germinate and the needs of a plant to grow while exploring the life stages of a flowering plant.

Plant Tops and Bottoms

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students identify where fruits and vegetables belong on the MyPlate diagram and describe the major parts of plants—roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits—according to if they are produced on the top or bottom of a plant.

closeup of strawberry plant with fruit and leaves

Eating Plants

  • Lesson
  • Grades K – 2

Students identify the structure and function of six plant parts and classify fruits and vegetables according to which parts of the plants are edible.